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Museum Exhibit Design and Development
Graphics and Interactives for Second Skin at CHF
Thesis Project: Unpacking the Grey Box
Philadelphia Project: Dying to Deliver
Selling Your Sole: Scale Model
Confessional Prototype for Eastern State Penitentiary
Theoretical Exhibition: Designed to Defend
Pop up DIY Science Museum at the Red House
Scientific Media
Medical Animation Demo Reel
The Neuron Rider
Vanda Manuvadee
Nerves of the Hand
Parathyroid Removal
Neural Junctions
Diaphragm Plate
Acrosternum Hilare
Interactive Educational Module: Muscles of the Shoulder
Ceiba speciosa
CMNH Exhibit Poster
Surface Muscle Anatomy Illustrations
Craft and Objects
Bubble Chamber Jewelry
Golgi Stain Jewelry series
36 Hours
Lung Tray
Teratology Series
Spinal Cabinet
Shibori Growth
Guernica Batik
Fiber Arts
Forensic Reconstruction
Science Craft
Acrosternum Hilare
Posted on
December 15, 2011
November 26, 2012
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Lung Tray